San Antonio vending machines

A Modern and Advanced Alternative
to Traditional Vending

Micro-market benefits in San Antonio

Improve Your Workplace Culture With One Simple Break Room Service

Creating a space for employees to get together and bond is actually extremely important in creating a better workplace culture. The simple addition of fresh food, snacks, and refreshments in your San Antonio break room is highly underrated, but can be a huge deciding factor for potential recruits and existing employees.


Increase Happiness and Productivity

Research shows employees are happier and more refreshed when they take breaks -- even if they are small. Your San Antonio company directly benefits from this as well because happier employees are proven to be more productive. If you're looking for a way to show employees you care, micro-markets are a fantastic choice for multiple reasons.

Why L.C. Vending
for Your Micro-Market:

San Antonio healthy vending machines

Inviting, open-market style, which we tailor to your office

San Antonio healthy vending service

Encourages collaboration and is open 24/7

San Antonio snack vending machines

Variety of products from carefully selected partners

San Antonio vending machine solutions

Fresh food every time as the only in-house kitchen in San Antonio

San Antonio office coffee

Pick what you want, whether it's candy, sandwiches, or a little of everything

San Antonio office coffee service

Choose a company with 70 years -- and counting -- of experience! We know San Antonio

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Want to Add a Micro-Market to your Benefits Package?
Call us at 210.532.3151 or email us at

Reach Out Today
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